Leogem CSR Initiatives

- LEO KalahariCS 2 - Life. Lived. BetterLeogem Property Projects is a Proud member and supporter of the Kalahari Conservation Society (KCS). The society was formed from the pressures facing Botswana’s wildlife and environment. KCS is the oldest environmental NGO is Botswana and has been successful in working with the Government as well as collabrating with the Private Sectors in the conservation of Botswana’s environment and wildlife resources. Since it’s inception is 1982, KCS has grown rapidly and has received recognition both within Botswana and internationally.

For Leogem Property Projects, becoming a member of the KCS was an easy decision. Their focus is on saving Wildlife in the Kalahari, which extends itself into South Africa, Namibia and North into Angola and Zambia. “It is our responsibility to help in saving those who cannot speak.”

If you would be interested in becoming a member of the Kalahari Conservation Society, please visit the KCS official website.

- LEO SPCA - Life. Lived. BetterLeogem Property Projects has been building homes and growing communities in Midrand since 1992. As a community organisation, they have extended their hand over the last 10 years to the Midrand SPCA. “Supporting Local NGO’s such as the SPCA benefits the community which we are actively growing in.”

- lorypark.co .za - Life. Lived. BetterNature needs Hero’s. Lory Park Zoo is an animal and owl sanctuary situated in president park, Midrand. They specialize in conservation and through their special efforts are making a big difference to our natural world.
Leogem is a proud sponsor of their initiative and is directly involved in the conservation of the White Lion. Lory Park Is home to 2 of this rare colour mutation of the lion. The two adults are called Daniel and Heidi. This pair have successfully bread eight cubs.